Kangoo Jumps® Instructor Courses

Kangoo Power Program

31th January-1st February 2025 Waterford, Ireland

Kangoo Power is an explosive, highly motivating program, specifically designed to challenge the whole body by building muscular strength and cardio-respiratory endurance simultaneously. Each movement is designed to focus on core stability, ensuring a balanced workout that will challenge even the fittest. Basic moves are easy to follow and can be performed with growing complexity and intensity, as you progress. This program suits a broad range of class attendees regardless of fitness level, It is also great for athletes, due to its use of plyometric explosive techniques, using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes to maximize effort, while preventing damaging impact to the joints.


Kangoo Dance Program

Kangoo Dance is a safe, energetic, fun and motivating aerobic program taught to music, for all ages and fitness levels. The program is functional and teaches participants effective jump techniques for enhanced enjoyment while preventing injury due to bio-mechanical stress. It offers more benefits than any other popular group fitness program because Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes act as a shock absorber to reduce impact, when compared with traditional aerobic activities performed in conventional shoes. The rebound shoes generate a trampoline-like feeling of weightlessness that not only increases the Fun-Effect, but more importantly decreases joint stress. Forget other forms of aerobics, with high impact moves that can damage and jar your joints, all in the name of fitness. Do all your favorite dance moves with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, and discover the wonders of rebounding!


Kangoo Boot Camp Program

                                                                      2nd February 2025 Waterford, Ireland

Kangoo Boot Camp is a military style, activity based training program for group fitness instructors and personal trainers. It can be organized to accommodate one, two or twenty people. Classes can be held inside or out and can accommodate all fitness levels. Intervals of running and/or drill style aerobic activity interspersed with conditioning exercises make up the base of this workout. This format improves muscle strength and endurance as it improves cardio-respiratory fitness. It can be a valuable cross training tool that improves fitness level as it reduces the rate of injury and improves exercise adherence by reducing boredom.Depending on the fitness level, terrain challenges and/or plyometric conditioning activities can be added as an additional challenge. Because this fitness program usually takes place outdoors, environmental changes such as weather and temperature vary with each session. These variations can be used to the advantage of the instructor to add variety to each and every class.Unlike Kangoo Power and Kangoo Dance, Kangoo Boot Camp does not require the coordination skills for exercise to music and does not need any space at a gym as the classes mainly go outdoors. In addition, Kangoo Boot Camp is a great advertisement tool.


Kangoo Discovery Program

Kangoo Discovery Program has been developed specifically for young people, of all ages above 5 years. Classes are designed to build coordination, endurance, good body posture, and self-image. They help to target and prevent childhood obesity and aid in combating the stresses that children of today face. With Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, children turn negative energy into positive, in a fun and enjoyable workout that will challenge both body and brain in the most interactive, innovative ways.

Kangoo Discovery is an easy, basic program for schools and fitness organizations that challenges the children’s creativity by including funny games and exercises that keep the class highly motivating from beginning to end. The program is appropriate for fitness instructors, physical education teachers and anyone involved in sports activities for children.

Kangoo Discovery, especially in fitness organizations, can be adapted using simple choreographies, which will assist young adults with the transition to adult group fitness classes.


Kangoo Kick & Punch

25th November 2023 Waterford, Ireland

KJ Kick & Punch is a martial arts style workout, using blocks, kicks & punches from various styles of self-defense including Kick Boxing & Karate.This great stress buster challenges the whole body with a non-contact, non-aggressive workout using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes while reducing the impact to your lower body using the exclusive IPS, protecting you from joint damaging impact.


    • Be a licensed KJ Instructor in any KJ fitness program with a minimumof 1 year experience.
    • Recommeded experience as a martial art and/or kick boxing teacher or as an instructor in any fitness program using martial art/kick boxing moves.


Renewal Kangoo Jumps Instructor Licences

As part of our advanced training, we now offer Renewal for all Kangoo Jumps Programmes™!!! Instructors will have the option of renewing the license for a further 2 years using a video. You will receive documents with detailed information and the license agreement by e-mail after purchasing online. The video will  be viewed by Jekaterina Makarova Kangoo Jumps Official Trainer and then you will receive feedback, if necessary suggestions for corrections and a confirmation and new license for another 2 years.
The video must be recorded with at least 2 participants (instructor + 1 customer).
Video length 5-10 mins
Video content:
Structure of a choreography with all 5 basic steps
Knees up
Side lift
Leg curl
Pendulum + Jumping Jack
Music: 32 Counts (4x 8 counts)

Clean execution of the basic steps and start with the big one.




First of all, to commence the process of becoming an international KJ instructor, you need to have certified training in Aerobics/Exercise to Music or a diploma in sports and/or physical education.

The second step consists in your participation at the Kangoo Jumps® Workshop led by Jekaterina Makarova. This workshop consists of 2 days of practice and education. The candidate must pass a practical and written test to obtain a license. Once passed, the individual is allowed to lead classes for Kangoo Power™/Kangoo Dance™/Kangoo BootCamp™ internationally.

Program requirements: Experience teaching exercise to music, holding a sport/fitness qualification that includes a valid national health and exercise safety certificate.

Even if Kangoo Jumps® may seem easy to some, it must not be practiced without certain fundamental skills and knowledge (with reference to the use of the boots, correct body posture, basic steps, exercises that cannot be done in Kangoo Jumps, as well as theoretic knowledge with reference to the history of Kangoo Jumps®, our work system, Kangoo Jumps® programs, possibilities of usage, health problems for which Kangoo Jumps® is recommended, etc.).

Content of this workshops:

  • • Full information on Kangoo Jumps products, including maintenance.
  • • Practical aspects of the use of Kangoo Jumps® Rebound Shoes Class format, safety considerations, training principles, basic Jump steps and choreography.
  • • How to build up a class.
  • • Benefits and summary of scientific research.
  • • Tips to boost the excitement of the class.
  • • Marketing information on how to start classes in a gym
  • • How to be creative and make the class a long term success
  • • Exams

Documents necessary for registration

  • • Valid identification
  • • Experience teaching exercise to music, holding a sport/fitness qualification that includes a valid national health and exercise safety certificate.

What you get for participating in this workshops

After successfully completing this education and examination you will become an authorized international Kangoo Jumps® instructor licensed to guide people in the wonderful ways of the Kangoo Jumps® programs. This course authorizes you to teach and conduct group fitness classes in a healthy and professional environment all over the world.

Next Available Dates:

31st January/ 1st February Kangoo Power™

2nd February Kangoo BootCamp™

Coming Soon Kangoo Dance™

Coming Soon Kangoo Kick & Punch™



How To Book.

Please call 0862018627 or add your program to the Cart or email info@kangoojumps.ie to book your place on this course.  Alternatively you can use the following form: Contact Us


                Aerobics Certification Course!!!

Next Available Dates Online Ireland:

29th-30th of March 2025 !!!



AERODANCE (2 half day 9:30am to 13:30pm)

The aerobics for us is a passion. It gives us the opportunity to express our feelings through movement accompanied by the music and at the same time allows us to train with joy and in a meaningful way.We would like to share this passion with you. Thanks to my work carried out throughout Europe for many years and gained experience, I know what is most important to you as beginner aerobic instructors. Additional training and specialization only makes sense, if you have the basics.

You will learn how to correctly perform the basic steps, get acquainted with the musical structure, verbal and visual skills. Understand the importance of the pedagogical process and how nice, easy to train.


09.30-10.00 Participant registration


Music. The connection between music and movement. Verbal and visual skills.




Classification of the basic steps. Family of movement. Intensive technical training. Practice



Second Day  


Structure of a class (beginner and intermediate, advanced). Pedagogic process. Symmetric choreography. Method of construction – direct insertion. 




Working groups, training. Practice
12.030 –13.30 Master class ,,Aerodance“.



How To Book

Please call 0862018627 or add your program to the Cart or email info@kangooclubwaterford.com to book your place on this course.  Alternatively you can use the following form: Contact Us